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Adam Gordon Bell Oct 2nd Hey! I have a new podcast episode is out: https://corecursive.com/one-million-checkboxes-with-nolen-royalty/ It's at the intersection of coding, game building, art and online trolls. That is to say it's a super fun episode about building something and having it become really really huge and all the unexpected things that follow. But it's also about how the internet used to be more fun, and how Nolen Royalty is trying to bring us back to the era of Boaty McBoatface I...
Adam Gordon Bell July 4th Hey! It's July, and happy July 4th to my American readers. A new podcast episode is out: https://corecursive.com/building-powershell-with-jeffrey-snover/ It's a detailed peek into the internals of Microsoft and the development of Powershell. My guest is Jeffrey Snover and he has a story to share. It's about one man's vision for a better way to manage Windows Servers and the battles that were fought to bring that vision to completion. Overcoming Microsoft's GUI bias —...
Adam Gordon Bell June 4th Hey, It's June now, and I have a new episode out here: Hedy https://corecursive.com/hedy-with-felienne-hermans/ I've been telling friends and colleagues about this episode for several weeks. Whenever someone asks me how the podcast is going, I jump into it: Ok, Imagine this: A burned-out academic seeks renewal by teaching underprivileged 12-year-olds to program. In doing so, she risks her career and builds a programming language that spreads around the world and...