Life is short

Adam Gordon Bell

Oct 2nd


It's October, and new podcast episode is out:

This episode is about your life. It's about accepting that life is short and using that to structure how you live.

Yoshio Goto shares his story of finding what matters by throwing himself at challenges like climbing Everest and joining early-stage start-ups in Silicon Valley. Then, where he finds meaning is totally somewhere else.

It feels like I’m there for completely frivolous reasons at that point. It’s just, I’m there to, for a personal physical challenge.
I mean, I think the biggest thing I learned from that was just how you could die. That’s something that I really internalized on that day, and I’ve kind of, it’s been one of the primary things driving everything I do. This idea that not to take things for granted. Because you could be on top of the world one moment, and the next, everything’s gone.

So yeah, great episode. You should give it a listen.

My New Role

Also, speaking of finding what you want to do with your life, I'm happy to report that I'm starting a new job at Pulumi. I'll be teaching people how to do infrastructure as code.

So, thanks to everyone who pointed me toward various job offers or people to talk to.

I got to meet a lot of exciting people before accepting this role. Thank you to the people who pointed out opportunities to me, introduced me key people, or just reached out and said they appreciated what I did.

Never be afraid to reach out, say hi, or mention opportunities to me. I try to get back to everybody who reaches out. I occasionally failed at that, but I always appreciate hearing from people.

Thank you for being part of this journey,

Hi! I'm Adam Gordon Bell

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